My university gives it's students a week or so to work on independent projects using the school facilities. It's basically a week where you behave like a professional in your field!
In June 2023, I decided to take my love for fashion and graphic design together a create a first launch of t-shirts and prints. Everything was done from scratch, including the screen-printing.
Scroll down to see the process behind the design, the printing and all the marketing!

I still have a few prints, please use my contact form to order
Behind the design
It was created as a continuation of a model drawing class where I had further observed and had become fascinated with hands.
I used scans of my own hands and well as additional illustrations to make the design more personalised and coherent

Behind the printing
Screenprinting is no easy task, there are so many steps and precautions to take before achieving good results.
1- Prepping the screen: this step alone takes a lot of patience and very little margin for error. Uv sensitive paints are applied then cured, the screens must been properly washed and dried in between all these steps
2- The ink used must also be prepped and applied on the screen, the rest is test of speed and technique!
3- Once the ink on the t-shirts are dried, they must be heat-pressed in order to seal the paint
4- They are then ready to wear!
These images don't show the whole process but is just to give you an idea of how time consuming this was. Especially considering that I ended up making over 30 t-shirts in a span of a week and a half!
The printing process!
The photoshoot!
I grabbed a couple of friends and we went around town and I shot a lot of content!

The Instagram post I made to sell the t-shirts and prints, it was very successfully into getting me sales!
I also want to thank Justyna for helping with the entire printing process as well as the instructors from the Printmaking station. Additional thank yous to Hannah, Anna, Masin and Jian for your help on this project!
Additionally, enjoy this behind the scenes TikTok I made! It turned out to be one of my most popular videos.