Synesthesia is when your brain routes sensory information through multiple different senses, causing you to experience more than one sense simultaneously.

The playlists:
Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, in his book Man and His Symbols, wrote that everything can assume symbolic significance, whether natural objects, human made things or abstract forms. In a similar way, sound can be interpreted as representing an experience, location, or something emotive—feelings, reflections, or imagery.
Kandinsky is one of the most famous artists with Synesthesia.
His most famous works are his visualisations of music. In his one piece “Composition 8” you can clearly distinguish different instruments and notes. The bass tones are a similar shade of purple where each specific instrument also stands out in its own manner.
The late artist was inspired by the classical music of his time, and I wanted to recreate those synesthetic experiences for viewers to enjoy and reflect on their sensory experiences.
I have experimented with visualising synesthesia and sharing the advantages of training your senses for your own gain. Training your senses allows you to have more than a proxy to remember experiences, play an instrument or even recipes. You can start how I did, which was by painting my favourite songs, giving them a visual form.
For this experience I wanted to visualise different genres as I usually stick to my favourite ones. I also analysed the colours I have used when painting in the past with the help of risoprinting. These paper puzzles each represent a music genre, and you can listen to the music too when unfolding them. Follow the instructions below to find out how!